Cable Ladder/Tray & Support Systems

B-Line Cable Ladder/Tray & Supports in Offshore & Onshore

Aluminum Ladder & Tray

Stainless Steel Ladder & Tray

FRP Ladder & Tray

Perforated Cable Tray

FlexTray Wire Basket

Strut Systems & Accessories
Our Cable Ladder/Tray Global Engineering & Design Services
- Cable Support System Design
- 3D Routing & 2D Layouts
- Material Take-Off (MTO)
- Bill of Material (BOM)
- Mechanical & Structural Design
- Support Location & Design
- Construction Detailed Drawings
- Detailed Product Drawings
- Wind load calculation and verification
- Dynamic load calculations
- Finite element analysis
- Natural frequency analysis
- Seismic calculations and analysis
- Testing and certification service

E&I Ladder/Tray Optimization

I-beam Tray Performance Optimization
- High strength ladder tray = 6mtr support spans = up to 50% supports removed
- IEC 61537 certified = electrical continuity = up to 50% bonding cables removed
- Wedge-lock splice = mid-span = up to 50% splice plates + 50% bolts removed
- High strength to weight ratio = less material higher strength = NEMA 20C+

SSS-17 Tray Support Optimization
- Tray support recommendations = system optimization = up to 50% supports removed
- HD expansion splice = no support expansion joint = up to 50% supports removed
- DNV certifications = 3rd party verification = proven and guaranteed performance
- Less supports = less design hours, less material, less installation = up to 65% hours saved

Cover Installation Optimization
- LCCSD cover clamps = one clamp fits all cover sizes = one part standardization
- High performance = secure fixing, simple quick installation = reduce cover install cost
Up to 65% time saved + 50% material cost saved
Click here to watch how to reduce total installed cost with B-Line series cable ladder!
Our Strategic Engineering Support

Contact us for
more information
Wholesale Electric Asia Pte Ltd (HQ)
211 Henderson Road, #14-03
Singapore 159552
Phone Number: +65 6460 4399